domingo, 6 de março de 2011


If You were here...right here...right now...I would so much want to kiss You...kiss and bite your lips softly...let my hands dance on your hair...
If You were here my Love....I would simply want to inhale your skin, impregnate my fingers with your smell...exist only in that moment and get carried by your breath...
If You were here...I know when I look at You I would want to kneel and ask You to marry me...put an invisible ring on your finger...invisible as your answer...and yet palpable as your wish...

If You were here...right here...right now...I would so much want to touch and caress You, draw my fingerprints on every inch of your skin....look you in the eyes and feel...the things You can't say, the dreams that You have...
If you were here...I would want you my love, in your desire, in the art of your body and mine together...

If You were here....oh if You were actually here...
That would just be....enough....


1 comentário:

  1. Se estivesse contigo ...mesmo agora...neste mesmo instante...enroscava-me...
    Enroscava-me em ti como se fôssemos uma só e assim repousava...fechava silenciosamente os olhos e apenas sentia o teu olhar meigo em mim...a acalmar-me...a embalar-me da turbulência vivida fora dessas quatro paredes...aquele Mundo que é o nosso mas do qual muitas das vezes acabo por fugir...por me sentir mais seguro nos teus braços, no teu colo...perto de ti...

    With LOv
